What are we about? We are all about creating a sense of love and belonging across the lifespan. We strive to make a place where wiggles, giggles, and most importantly, questions are welcome and encouraged. All we do seeks the following:

« Encounter the stories of the Christian Tradition

« Engage in critical reflection and application of Christian teachings

« Enact God’s beloved community outside the church walls


What is there for my children?

Sunday Morning:

« 6wksk-2yo: Our nursery is open for all children under 3 years of age and is located in our childcare wing.

▫   9:30am-12:00pm

« 3yo-5th: Our children are invited during the announcement in each service to join our Intergenerational Young Hearts worship where they will be invited to participate and learn more about worship with each other and our adults.

▫   9:30am and 11:00am

« 6th-12th: Our 6th-12th grade worship in either worship venue and are invited to meet at our Family Life Minister’s house for lunch, a lesson, and life sharing from 12:15-2:30.

Wednesday Evening:

« 6wksk-PreK: Childcare will continue to be provided on weeks where there is adult small groups.

▫   6pm-8pm: Childcare in the Child Care Center

« K-5th: Worship Arts in the Choir Room

▫   6pm-6:30pm: Dinner with congregation

▫   6:30pm-7:30pm: Worship Arts

« 6th-12th: Youth group will meet and discuss deep topics around what our teens are facing today in the world

around them and how to engage God in their lives.

▫   6pm-6:30pm: Dinner with congregation

▫   6:30pm-8pm: Small group discussions


What else? From lock-ins, to service opportunities, to PLANT for families with preschool children once a month, we always have additional opportunities for families to get connected. Contact Laren McCormack (lmccormack@lindenwoodcc.org) to be added to the mailing for these events.


What do I do with questions? Ask them! Our Family Minister, Laren McCormack (lmccormack@lindenwoodcc.org), would love to get to know you and your family!